Banana Facts!

Hello there, amazing person!

This is a site all about bannanas, thanks so much for visiting.Banana ooh na na

Visit my bananaristic website!

Those are some interesting banana pictures!)

Did you know that bananas are radioactive and too many will kill you? Yeah that's right! But don't worry because you would have to eat 195 in a sitting...

Here are 10 bananaristic banana facts:

1. Bananas float in water because they are less dense in comparison.

2.Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the American diet.

3.Bananas don't grow on tress, they grow on plants that are officially considered an herb.

4.The banana is actually classified as a berry.

5. Bananas may be considered a mood enhancer because it contains the amino acid, tryptophan and Vitamin B6 that helps the body produce serotonin.

6. The bananas we eat today, the Cavendish, are different from pre 1960s bananas, the Gros Michael, as those have been wiped out by the panama disease.

7. Bananas can help lower blood pressure and protect heart health due to high potassium and low salt content.

8. The inside of a banana peel can help relieve itching and inflammation, such as from bug bit or poison ivy.

9. Bananas are great pre-workout snacks because they are loaded with potassium that aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function during work outs.

10. Humans share about 50% of our DNA with bananas, so humans are half identical to bananas, except I'm 90% identical... HA...haha...ha